Dogs and Beaches

This story is about a dog named Spock. I met Spock on one of the glistening beaches of Goa and immediately bonded with him. After being part of Spock’s life for a few days and getting to know the pack my love for dogs only grew.

Amidst this global pandemic I can’t help but wonder about the livelihood of Spock and its pack. In our arrogance we humans often forget that we are but one piece on a moving board. We forget about the rest. The ones around us. That ones that make this Earth more than just a sphere for humans. We forget about our ecosystem. And I believe that this global pandemic made us realise just that. That we are not alone on this planet. We strive in searching life outside of this planet and forget about the life in it. This story is for all the animals out there stranded who relied upon us for their survival. May they survive just as much.